My hardest part with being pregnant was with how tired I was. Over the summer, after school was out, there were days that I felt like I slept more than I was awake. I am so grateful I didn't have to teach all the way up to my due date. Other than that I was blessed with an easy pregnancy: no vomiting, no heartburn, or any of those other "fun" pregnancy things. I did get some yummy cravings but they were all for normal things like Panda Express, bagels, and things of that nature.
The only worry about baby Andrew during the pregnancy was how big he was going to be. At my 30 week ultrasound he was measuring 2 weeks larger than the average baby. So we had another ultra sound at 38 weeks to make sure I wasn't going to be birthing a small giant. He was measuring a more normal size but my doctor still gave us the option of being induced almost a week before my due date (I was already dilated to a 2 and mostly effaced). Scheduled so both grandmas could be here, not having to worry about my water breaking somewhere, no having the baby in a car, I could be done being pregnant, etc... Ya we took the offer and went with it.
I was induced the morning of the 29th and they started me on Pitocin at about 7:00 am. My Dr. came in to check on me and broke my water at around 8 and I was hanging in there with no drugs for a little bit. I had to wait until the pain was worse than my fear of the needle going into my back before I succumbed to the epidural. The epidural wasn't taking quite right so my left side was still feeling the contractions but after 3 adjustments and a little wiggle of the needle I was in heaven. I even napped for like 2 hours. My nurse had to wake me up to check me and I was at 9. They started wheeling everything in and by the time everything was set up and ready to go I was ready to push. 2-3 pushes later, maybe 5 minutes after everything was set up and the Dr. came in, our beautiful baby boy was here!
Andrew Cota White
Fun little side stories:
Jayden overheard me telling Cindy a few weeks before my due date that I was dilated to a 2. His curious little 6 year old mind wanted to know what that meant... uhhhh.... after some hesitation about how in detail I wanted to explain a woman's body during pregnancy/labor I just decided to tell him that I had to get to a 10 before the baby could get here. To which Jayden responded, oh ok. Whew dodged that bullet.... for now. Jayden is slightly obsessed with any video game and equated my numbers to "levels" and would ask me after all my doctor appointments what level I was at. The day that Andrew arrived we were keeping people updated and Cindy told Jayden that I was at a level 9 and this was my conversation with Cindy/Jayden :At the hospital that I delivered at there are no children under the age of 12 allowed in the mother and baby rooms except if they are the baby's sibling. The boys (my nephews that live by us) were really bummed. Not only could they not visit us in the hospital but they were leaving for a 10 day trip before we got out of the hospital and wouldn't get to meet their cousin until after. Thankfully my mom arrived in town just as Andrew was being born and by the time she and her chauffeur (Cindy and her crew) got there I was just about to be wheeled up to the recovery rooms and baby was headed to the nursery (a part where the boys could at least see Andrew). We called them in and the boys and Ruby saw Andrew get his bath in the nursery and even saw and gave me hugs when I was wheeled past.
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the boys looking in on Andrew in the nursery |
We are so blessed with our sweet little family and are loving having Andrew in our life. MANY, MANY, MANY more posts to come about him and all of our adventures as he continues to grow into an awesome little man.
I forgot about the levels! Aww, that boy!