This month has been busy with wedding planning galore! I have:
-Bought a dress (go here to see some pictures)
-Finally found a tailor that wont charge an arm and a leg.
-Took our engagement pictures (a quick peak)

-Made, ordered, and received our announcements
-Written addresses until my hand wanted to fall off... and still have more to go.
-and so much more! ( I wont bore you guys by talking about every detail.)
On the fun side of things we have done a bunch of stuff too!
-Went to a Josh Abbott band concert. (way fun)
-didn't wash away in the flooding but we got a little dirty :)
-Went to the Texas Ski Ranch and went wake boarding (that's me in the picture)
-Went to the Natural Bridge Caverns with Caroline: a friend from Hawaii here for an internship
-Partied at Six Flags Fiesta Texas
-and I cant think of more but I'm sure we did other cool things too.
Well life was eventful but I cant wait to blog about
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