Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Students say the darndest things!

I'm sure these posts will be happening often so to start off the many this one happened yesterday Monday 1/9/2012.
Man oh man this one has brought me quite a few laughs!

Student: Ms, do you have kids?
Me: No
Student: Do you wanna get pregnant?
Me: ughh what? (im sure at this point I had a priceless look on my face showing a mixture of "are you seriously asking this question" and "what are you thinking" with a hint of "EWW your like 13 MAYBE 14" included).
Student: (while doing a hand gesture to symbolize birth) I mean it like hurts when you have the baby, so do you still wanna have kids?
Me: yes i do.

Today's (1/10/2012) treasure was in a vocab test. They had to write a sentence with the vocab word, that gives context clues to what it means.
"The ninjas prevailed over the townspeople"
haha yeah this one made me laugh. Yeah my awesome students talk about NINJAS!

And one last funny for the day.
Today while I was reading the announcements for the day I was announcing a sports event that was taking place at a neighboring school called "Kaimuki". Well being me, I was going along and just said the town name how I was pretty dang sure it was pronounced. Well my extrovert of a student then decided to correct me and say, "ms. its pronounced Ka-i-moo-key." To which I gave a typical Grandpa Follett answer: (while pointing to the underside of my forearm,aka the whitest part of me that is decent for others to view) I asked him if he could see this. With a quizzical look on his face he asked "what" and so my retort (another vocab word this week) was IM WHITE! I'm doing the best i can. yeah i got a few laughs for this one! and im my defence his correction did not sound much different from what I said.

1 comment:

  1. Love the student comments that you post! Thanks they are great! :-) Love Ya!
