First: I finished my student teaching! Wahooo!!! It was great on the last days of school all 5 of my classes threw me surprise parties (which because of culture/tradition it translates to during this time I was eating a full meal for each of these classes= overstuffed Lacey!). They were so sweet and all signed a card for me in one of their other classes. They all pitched in a few bucks here and there and gave me $100 visa gift card and some Leis.
Second: My parents, sisters, and grandpa got to come have a blast with me on the island. We partied hard, listened to friends jam on their ukes, climbed mountains and just enjoyed being together.
Third: Because of housing drama (lots of it and not fun) I decided it would be cheaper to go home for the summer. So It was a summer of nieces and nephews! That's right folks I got to see all 5 of my nieces and nephews this summer. A big feat considering they are spread from Washington to Texas. While mainland I also got to go to my beautiful cousin Janica's wedding. While there I was able to catch up with family that I hadn't seen in years and meet all the new additions (both through marriage and birth) to the Wilcox clan!
One super cute picture of a proud new sister

Finally: I am back on the island! I decided to take a job with BYUH and am now a special instructor teaching English 101. I have an office and everything! It's great because I only work Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 5:20-6:20 and a few extra office my schedule is really full right now... NOT! I am loving this new found freedom just being able to sleep in, kick back, and chill. Thankfully I have had plenty of time to put into our house as well. It needed some good cleaning and stuff when we first moved in so I have taken on a few projects. One is that since I have so much free time it is like I am the stay at home mom of 5 daughters. I cook for some, make sure the house is cleaned up, do dishes, etc.. but the biggest project thus far was the pool/spa. It was a nightmare! After a couple days, filling and draining it like twice and Cloroxing the crap out of it, I turned this dark and dingy, nasty septic tank looking pool.

Into this beautiful, crystal clear, soothing escape.

And just a little added fun: a picture of the 4th of July with with Wilcox clan!