Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I have had some warts on one of my ankles and today i had the joy of getting them frozen off. Yeah i was terrified. I knew sort of what to expect but that did not make my anxiety about it any better. What i learned form this experience: getting them frozen off hurts and they don't just fall off right after they have to scab over and then fall off a couple days later so my hopes of having sexy, wart free legs again was a bust and now i am required to have more patience. Also what i have learned from today's wart extravaganza is that you never realize how much you use or touch a certain part of your body until there is pain or discomfort there. Since i have gotten this done mere hours ago i have already hit one of them and made it bleed and have bumped them many other times as well. NO FUN!
Why am i telling you this? It was a traumatic experience that i was freaking out about but had to suck it up and face it. That's life for ya.

1 comment:

  1. so much for the last post claiming "no more photo-less posts"... maybe in this case it's a good thing.
