Sunday, March 20, 2011

I Like To Ride My Bicycle, I Like To Ride My Bike

Today was the dedication of the bike path that has been built between Kahuku and Laie, and it was a PARTY. If you have had any experience with Hawaiians this is what they know how to P-A-R-T-Y!!! Well we walk up and of course we are not only greeted by the delicious smells of BBQ but see 4 pigs roasting on a spit. Yup. it was a great greeting.

And then we all got to go and watch and listen to the program and culturally uplifting event. My hopes of going to this is the enticings of a winning a free bike. But we left when they started eating because there was a huge line and were not present for the drawing for the 15 bikes they had to give away because we had a ward BBQ to get to. It was great to see the integration of culture into the simple dedication of a mile and a half bike path.

enjoy the little taste of the culture in the video of the Keiki ("children" in Hawaiian) and the others involved in the ceremony.