First i wanna go out of chronological order a bit and give my congratulations to my 3 favorite graduates this semester!!!!! I am so proud of them. Here is the last picture of all the roomies taken before graduation and one with me and the graduates after graduation.

So since many of our friends have been leaving us we have been having some epic activities!! when there was a torrential downpour complete with lightning and thunder (a rarity for us) we went and played a game called lap tag in an open field by our house in ankle deep water. For those of you who dont know lap tag is just a title and an excuse to wrestle, but boy it sure is fun!! some other things that we have done include a compound (what we call our houses, both the guys and girls together) beach football game, some fun laying out in the sun, a last girls night out together to one of our favorite restaurants Haleiwa Eats which is a house favorite for Tai food, watching sunsets, family dinners, and of course trying to take as many pictures to capture moments together. here are some pictures to show what we have been up to.

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