Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Hey its 2013 already!

So its still January so we are all still getting used to new goals and writing 2013 (I almost wrote 2012 in the title). One of my goals this year is to write on my blog at least once a month if not more. I am pretty sure I have already set this goal in the past and have failed miserably  so we will see how this actually goes. But I have decided that this is a good way to make sure I do something noteworthy at least once a month.

This month so far has been all about adjusting. I moved. Yup I now reside in the lovely state of Texas. Some things I am still trying to get used to: The weather is not as humid here so I now have to (frequently) put on lotion. The weather is colder so I have had to expand my wardrobe to include an actual coat, real shoes, and warm pajama pants. I sleep with at least 3 blankets a night. My gum doesn't dissolve in its packing (in Hawaii if you leave your pack of gum open and not in a zip-lock bag or the fridge for more than 3-4 days you have a sticky wet mess that you have to peel off the wrapper if you want to even try and attempt to chew your gum.) There are lots and lots of different freeways with funny names and I can EASILY get lost,  People not understanding you when you say slippers, shoyu, or anything else pidgin. And hardest of all, I have had to get used to a new culture.

But overall I am still mostly glad I moved here. I say mostly because I mean its Hawaii, how can you not be sad about moving away. That and I am still trying to figure out my life here when I had a pretty nice one going for me in Hawaii.

One of the best things about being in Texas though is hanging with family. I am so thankful for my brother and sis-in-law for letting me be a moocher for a bit until life finally settles. Oh and I totally have favorite aunt status in the bag with these boys now!

Welp, until I do something cool or notable. adios!