So Bree's dad works for Oakley and so his company let their family stay in their company house. Now these company houses are awesome! This is where the pro surfers who are sponsored by the particular brand stay during the surf season.The house is RIGHT on the beach and not just A beach but PIPE LINE. Kind of a big deal since there are three different surf competitions that take place there. Anyways this house was awesome and had a huge back porch that looked out over the beach and had surfer paraphernalia all over the house, including a Andy Irons signed jersey (he was an awesome surfer who died last year). Yeah and of course with surfers come surf boards... There were over 180 Surfboards in the house! HOLY SURFBOARDS! (I have pictures but those will have to be posted later.)
Company House: House on the left is Target, house on the right is the house we played in, just to the right of it was the Nike house but you cant see it in this picture. AWESOME RIGHT?

Like I said the Master's were wonderful and had a big BBQ and so we got to eat out kababs on the poarch while watching a BEAUTIFUL sunset!
All of us hooligans!

The next day, Saturday, was GRADUATION! wahoo! So, I have pleanty of pictures and I am going to let those do most of the talking with a few explanations and captions! enjoy!
Waiting to be lined up and posing with my girls!
Shaking Prs. Wheelright's hand and getting my "diploma"

Its hard to see but I am totally throwing up a double rock on sign as I begin my walk across the stage! "WAHOO I was DONE!" was all that was running through my head. well that and "DON'T TRIP!"

So the tradition after graduating in Hawaii is getting Lei's from all your friends and family. So all my friends and adopted families took care of me and so the pictures below are from those after hours of craziness trying to find everyone.
"Tan Man" Bree's little 7yr old brother who was the life of the party and who now has a couple 20 something year olds phone numbers and texts us :)

Some of me and my good friends that were able to make it to graduation.

One of my Hawaiian families!

Me and some other good friends and roommates

The classic "my mother would shoot me if i didn't get these kinds of pictures" pictures.

Unfortunately though I am not OFFICIALLY done yet. I still have 5 more weeks of my student teaching. But I am going to try and enjoy that and focus on that so I don't get sad and lonely about the fact that SO many of my friends are leaving and I don't know when the next time I will see them will be :( Thank goodness for modern technology though so we can at least keep in contact!