Well this week has been great but riddled with bad news throughout it as well.
First: i got my letter back about my ticket (background: i got a speeding ticket the weekend i was celebrating my birthday, yup clear back in October, and i wrote a letter to see if i could get any good graces and have the ticket lowered or even not have to pay it at all) well none of the above happened they just informed me that i have 90 days to pay the full amount of $162. That's money that a poor college student doesn't have.
Second: this is my last semester to get a GPA and i was trying to keep my 3.5 that i currently had... well i checked my grades today and i now have a 3.489 with no hopes of raising it even though i have a semester + worth of work i have to finish. Yippy.
Third: i was supposed to find out today if i got a $1000 scholarship... but haven't heard anything about it yet. :( The silver lining: No news it better than bad news so i will keep hoping for now. (key word: for now).
Now that i have vented:
Tis the season to remember what life is really all about and about the birth of our Savior and all he does for us. I am also so very grateful that I get to spend time this Christmas with my family in Texas. Yup now that it has almost been a year and a half i get to see my sisters Collette and Joy and i get to see my parents as well. Also i am surrounded by the laughter of my little man, Jayden, get to meet baby Asher, as well as enjoy my brother and sister-in-laws company!