so i was Taylor Swift and had a lot of fun getting dressed up for nothing. I got dressed up just to get dressed up it was great!
They are so delicious!!!!!!!!!!
We, me and Shiri, have decided to make a MEAL and to elaborately cook every week so for our first week we made homemade everything! homemade bread bowls filled with homemade corn chowder... oh SO good!
Bread bowl with chowder followed by a cream cheese cinnamon braid with a almond glaze and the bottom is a variety of goods: cinnamon rolls, chicken rolls, orange rolls, and a taco ring and all of it was delicious :)
Now that all of that is caught up here is this past weekend: first before all the greatness in relation to the temple some of me and my roomates went to the midnight showing of the harry potter movie that just came out and LOVED it. after watching the latest movie i have decided that i need to reread them and so now it is a goal of mine to reread the whole series before the last movie comes out.
now onto temple greatness: I have had so many spiritual experiences this past while with the re-dedication of the temple. 1st i had the opportunity to go through the open house and to learn so much more about the temple. 2nd each ward was assigned a date to clean the temple do i volunteered and went and helped. before we started cleaning we were taken through the temple and again i had more spiritual and learning experiences. I LOVE THE TEMPLE!!! For the re-dedication all the temple districts stakes youth prepared a cultural celebration that they have been working on for the past 2-3 months. Over 2,000 were involved and danced in the celebration. Only parents, the prophet and his entourage had tickets. BUT... through connections i was asked to help with it and was able to attend the actual event instead of watch a broadcast of it. my job was to play and change the color of the lights on the big light board. it was so much fun. So it was a great spiritual experience to listen to the prophet speak to the kids and to hear their experiences from the show. After the show, right before the prophet left, using my backstage pass i walked up and got within a couple feet of the prophet. it was so cool and i could feel the spirit so strongly as the youth conveyed their hard work and dedication that was put into the whole event!
This is how close i got to pres Monson. and if you look closely you can see my hand come up in the right hand corner trying to get a high five :) hahah
also here is a panoramic picture of everyone at the cultural celebration, It was PACKED!!! although it isnt the greatest picture the bright white blob is all the youth, and they go up into the stands a well, it was such a neat thing to see the temple being raised. (it was made out of cloth) it was such a stellar weekend

I promise to update my blog more frequently from now on!